The typical problems
Problem 1 |
If you have had more than 60 hours of lesson, you probably feel that your listening abilities have improved. However, you find yourself still having some difficulties in speaking.
Why do you get the problem? Languages basically consist of words such as NOUNS, VERBS, and ADJECTIVES.
Once you briefly memorize a certain number of words and expressions, you will automatically become able to guess what the counterpart is saying.
However, to achieve speaking ability is a different story and it is not so easy.
To become able to use these words correctly in your speech, you need a lot of training.
Since you cannot use words and expressions you are not sure of,
you need to memorize them perfectly and be ready to use them verbally.
The training is supposed to be given by teachers. However,
in Japan, language teachers are not trained in practical ways.
Usually prospective teachers are forced to start from the 420 hours of academic study. Through the study, they learn a lot of unnecessary knowledge instead of the most important skills in teaching beginners. The prospective teachers are expected to learn those skills for themselves through their experiences.
Problem 2 |
First of all, you are not sure which particles you should choose when you talk about a certain action or a phenomenon.
Why do you get the problem?
It is unfortunate that very few scholars who write textbooks realize just how important particles are
in the Japanese language. Thus, it is very difficult to learn their basic usages through ordinary textbooks in a short period of time.
Problem 3 |
Second, even if you can choose the right particles in some occasions, you are unable to use them correctly during conversations.
Why do you get the problem?
It is unfortunate that very few scholars notice that the basic usage of particles changes during conversations.
As a matter of fact, the usage of the particles "wa" and "mo" is the key point. Without learning how to use them correctly, you cannot master natural Japanese conversation. It is regrettable to say that it is very difficult to learn the usage of these particles systematically through ordinary textbooks.
Problem 4 |
Third, you cannot use adjectives properly during conversations especially in situations where you are supposed to use polite expressions.
Why do you get the problem?
During conversations, you use ADJECTIVE sentences to describe your feelings or impressions.
The function is indispensable in natural conversation. Yet it is very difficult to master it in a short period of time through the use of ordinary textbooks.
Problem 5 |
You can answer questions but cannot ask questions or make statements voluntarily, and fall in the habit of complaining that your speech level has not improved because you have little chance to use Japanese.
Why do you get the problem?
Conversation basically consists of 'questions and answers' or 'statements and responses'. You have to spend the same amount of time practicing questions as you do practicing answers. It takes quite a long time for inexperienced teachers to realize this fact. If you can ask questions or make statements you can start conversations anytime you want.
Problem 6 |
You don't have a clear idea of how you can apply the learned knowledge in real life situations.
You can use the learned words and expressions as they are but nothing more.
Why do you get the problem?
What you can learn through lessons or teaching materials is very limited.
Unless being told how to apply the limited knowledge in real life situations, you cannot speak the language.
It is unfortunate that it is difficult to obtain such abilities through the use of ordinary textbooks.
MISJ can be the solution!